Friday, November 4, 2016

The Daily Meditation for November 4, 2016

From Forward Day By Day
Written by Richelle Thompson

Psalm 69:1 (NRSV) Save me, O God, for the waters have risen up to my neck.

She seemed so successful. A striking woman with a good job, a kind husband, and three interesting children. It must feel pretty good to be her, I thought jealously.

One evening after Bible study, she got into her car and backed into a telephone pole. In a panic, she moved the gears into forward and crashed into the plate glass of the office.

I called the next day to see how she was doing, and I let it slip. You always seem so together. Is anything wrong? A sad laugh crossed the phone line. I’m like a duck, she said. Everything looks calm on top of the water, but underneath, I’m paddling like crazy.

The psalmist knows the feeling of being on the verge of drowning. The writer seems to be facing soured relationships but other problems can pull us under water, from debt to death, from loss of a job to the bone-deep weariness of overcommitment.

When you feel the water rising, sound your cries to God and believe what the psalmist says, “your help, O God, will lift me up on high” (69:31).

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