Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Chocolate For Your Soul with Sheri Rose Shepherd - The Treasure Inside of You

by Sheri Rose Shepherd

For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10

You are treasured and loved no matter how you feel about yourself. I want you to be sure of this, my sister princess: you are set apart, chosen by God to stand out for His glory. It is time for you to get comfortable in your royal wardrobe and embrace who you are in Christ. If you think about it, why should you waste your days trying to fit in with the world, and miss your chance to stand out and make a difference by the way you live and the way you love?

It’s time to become more concerned about your witness and your walk with God. Let Him help you finish the work you were sent here to do. Watch the video above and find the priceless gift God placed inside of you and live to give it away! 

God's Letter to You 

I believe if The Lord was going to write you a personal letter about battles this life brings it may read like this.... 

My treasure,

You are my masterpiece whether you believe it or not. I have been carving your character through trials and displaying my grace through your weakness without your awareness. But, now I am asking you to open your eyes and to say “Yes” to all the work I want to do through you. I am ready to appoint you as an ambassador of hope to the hurting and a comfort to those who feel cold inside.
I long to display my glory and marvelous plan for your life for all to see but I love you too much to give you more than your heart can handle. So I'm asking you to pray and ask me to help you get your heart into place that you are ready to receive and watch the wonderful work I will do in you and through you starting today, if you're willing. 

Your God of Creation

Treasure of Truth
A Potter does His greatest work when the clay is soft and ready to be molded into something beautiful.